
SFU Events and Campus Services

Page history last edited by Brenda 14 years, 8 months ago




The Graduate Student Orientation takes place in early September and is an excellent opportunity for new students to get introduced to the campus and available services. SFU also offers additional sessions for students living in residence, students on exchange or studying abroad, and international students. 


Students who have missed attending an Orientation session can also attend a Mini Orientation & Campus Tour at SFU Burnaby, Student Central (MBC 3000) or visit Information Booths at SFU Surrey (Mezzanine level) or at the SFU Harbour Centre (near the entrance).


For students new to SFU in Spring 2010, Orientation will take place in early January 2010. For complete information about Orientation, visit students.sfu.ca/orientation/


TA/TM Day (Teaching Orientation Program)

TA/TM Day addresses issues and teaching skills relevant to Teaching Assistants and Tutor Markers. Topics covered include academic honesty, technologies for teaching, and conflict resolution.


TA/TM Day is presented by the Learning and Instructional Development Centre (LIDC), in collaboration with the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies and the Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU).


To contact these offices, and/or for complete information about TA/TM Day visit:






The Dean of Graduate Studies sponsors workshops for students applying for SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships and SSHRC Master’s Scholarships. Workshops are usually held in the fall, and are designed to assist students with putting together application packages. Students may also attend workshops on graduate supervision for information and resources on maintaining positive and productive relationships with supervisors.


For more information, visit the Dean of Graduate Studies’ website: www.sfu.ca/dean-gradstudies


Health & Counseling Services

Health & Counseling Services (HCS) offer resources on mental and physical health-related topics such as depression, stress, and sexual health. Students seeking counseling can attend sessions including group and/or individual counseling, and couples and family counseling. On-campus clinics for health and physiotherapy are available at the Burnaby and Vancouver campuses; visits are by appointment or drop-in. Other services include an anonymous nightline, blogs for nutrition and sexual health, and customized workshops.


Burnaby Campus  

Health Clinic: 778.782.4615

Counseling: 778.782.4615 or email intake@sfu.ca

Location: MBC 0101

Hours: 9:00am – 4:30pm, Monday to Friday


Physiotherapy: 778.782.3284 or email hcs_physio@sfu.ca

Location: Chancellor’s Gym Complex

Hours: 9:00am – 4:30pm, Monday to Friday


Vancouver Campus

Health Clinic & Counseling: 778.782.5200

Location Room 300, 515 West Hastings Street

Hours: 9:30am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday


Surrey Campus

Counseling: 778.782.8022

Email: surrey_counsellor@sfu.ca


For complete information about the HCS visit their website: students.sfu.ca/health/ or to book an appointment with a clinic doctor, nurse, counselor, or physiotherapist, see students.sfu.ca/health/appointments.html


Library Services

The SFU Library has many resources to offer graduate students. Services include a substantial collection of books, E-books, and electronic journals, research consultations with Liaison Librarians (information specialists for each department), support for preparing theses and projects, and workshops and tutorials on a variety of topics.


For a complete list of SFU Library Services for Graduate Students, visit the SFU Library at www.lib.sfu.ca/my-library/services-for-you/grads

For a schedule of upcoming workshops, visit www.lib.sfu.ca/my-library/services-for-you/class-schedule 

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