
Childcare and Family Services

Page history last edited by Brenda 14 years, 7 months ago


SFU Children's Centre

Operated by the SFU Childcare Society, an independent, non-profit and charitable organization, the Children's Centre is an on-campus facility offering full and part-time services for children of SFU students, staff, and faculty. The Centre offers 11 programs for children 3 months to 12 years of age, activity rooms, nap rooms, and outdoor play space. All programs are coordinated by the Centre's staff, who are qualified Early Childhood Educators and School Age Providers. To enroll, please contact the Centre to place your child on the waiting list. 



Contact the Children's Centre

Located at the northwest corner of the Burnaby campus.

Phone: 778-782-4569, Fax: 778-782-3058

Email: kathyh@sfu.ca or sfuccs@sfu.ca


SFU Women's Centre

The Women's Centre provides a safe space for all women at SFU, offering a Lounge area open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, study spaces, couches, full kitchen and free phone, and a Resource Office for campus and crisis referrals and community resource information. For students with families, one of the Women's Centre's best resources is The Single Mother's Resource Guide, which is available as a reference book from the library. The Guide includes crisis numbers and lots of information on legal issues, income assistance/disability, where to find low cost or free items for mothers, and much more. Students are also encouraged to drop by the Women's Centre in-person, where friendly and supportive staff can help look up other resources and point them in the right direction.


Contact the Women's Centre

TC3013 & 3014 - The Rotunda

Phone: (778) 782 3670

Fax: (778) 782 5843

Email: womenctr@sfss.ca


SFU Childcare Bursaries

Listed below are some of the bursaries/funds offered by SFU available to those seeking financial assistance with childcare. For full information, please visit SFU's Awards and Financial Aid website, students.sfu.ca/financialaid/


SFU Daycare Bursary

Students enrolled in at least 9 credits for the semester in which they plan to apply are eligible for this bursary, which is valued at one month's child care fees. Application forms are available at the SFU Children's Centre.


Emily Campbell Endowment Fund

Bursaries up to the amount of $125.00 per child per month are available to employees at SFU, and awarded every semester. Application forms are available at the SFU Children's Centre.


Jennifer Allen Simons Bursary

This bursary is awarded in the Fall term to an undergraduate or graduate woman student in any faculty, who is a single parent supporting a child, in financial need, and has satisfactory academic performance. Applicants must have completed one term at SFU as a full-time student.


TSSU Childcare Bursary

You may be eligible to receive this bursary if you have children, are a student at SFU, and currently hold an appointment as a Teaching Assistant, Tutor Marker, or Sessional Instructor. Applicants must apply online using the SFU Financial Assistance Bursary Application Form, available here. For more information, please visit the TSSU's website, www.tssu.ca.


Contact Financial Aid and Awards

Drop-in (Burnaby Campus): Maggie Benston Centre, 3000 level

Appointments: 778-782-4356 (Available only at Burnaby)

Bursary information: 778-782-4356

General inquiries: 778-782-4356 or email fiassist@sfu.ca.

Awards Searchable Database (Complete listing of all available bursaries, scholarships, awards, etc.)


School Districts

If you are interested in elementary and/or secondary schools in your community, it may be useful to check out the various school districts located across the Lower Mainland. Each operates their own schools and offers education programs and services. Visit any of the links below, or see here for a full list of school districts in BC.


Burnaby School District

Vancouver School Board

Vancouver Public Schools

North Vancouver School District

West Vancouver School District

Richmond School District


Government Assistance

Government Assistance for Childcare


Women's Health

Women's Health Resources


Other Resources

Other Childcare Resources

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